A geek buddy passed along a link to an interesting video clip today, commenting on how it was “such good marketing”. Now, anytime I hear a techie say this, I’m pretty much assured it’ll be *bad* marketing — or no marketing at all, just a good advertisement. (Hell, that’s a whole other post.)

Anyway, human nature being what it is, I perked right up; everyone likes to gawk at a car wreck.

I don’t want to say much specifically until you’ve had a chance to watch this yourself — am I’m helping to make it viral? — but give a look-see and let me know your reaction.

Don’t read any further until you watch this video:

(If video doesn’t load, click here.)

OK, now you’ve seen it. This brought up a few points for me:

First, it felt a little longer than expected, didn’t you think? I figured once I saw the ad for the Quattro — a name I’m fond of for obvious reasons — we were near the end. But no, it continues for some time past that. And the ending gave me a bit of a surprise, as I had only a hint of a feeling we were dealing with a game.

Second, even at the end when the game nature became clear, I kept thinking Shick Quattro was probably just a commercial sponsor.

Third, I actually went through the bother of going to the main site for this beast, ffk-wilkinson.com. Other than commenting on how extraordinarily painful it was to wait for this site to load — close to 2 minutes on a broadband connection!? — it turns out the razor itself is one of the characters in the game. So, Quattro isn’t just a commercial sponsor of a game; it seems Shick actually produced the game as theater for showing off its product. Well, that “shortened my leash” on how much I’ll allow this game to shave minutes off my valuable free time.

Finally, let me defend my geek: The clip was entertaining. But if marketing were entertainment, every day would be the Super Bowl.

The funny thing is, although I’m curious to see the game in play, I’m not terribly excited about the prospects of playing it.

What about you? Are you interested in this product, or were you simply entertained by the video clip? Do you have a passion to fight for kisses?

Fight for Kisses

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